  1. The GuardianYuval Noah Harari9/14/1816 min
    4 reads2 comments
    The Guardian
    4 reads
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    • deephdave
      Top reader of all timeReading streakScoutScribe
      3 years ago

      From one perspective, this discovery gives humans an entirely new kind of freedom. Previously, we identified very strongly with our desires, and sought the freedom to realise them. Whenever any thought appeared in the mind, we rushed to do its bidding. We spent our days running around like crazy, carried by a furious rollercoaster of thoughts, feelings and desires, which we mistakenly believed represented our free will. What happens if we stop identifying with this rollercoaster? What happens when we carefully observe the next thought that pops up in our mind and ask: “Where did that come from?”

    • bill
      Top reader of all time
      5 years ago

      Two thumbs up. The concept of humans as “hackable animals” is truly compelling to me. Also, I never considered that humans don’t actually have free will. The argumentIs strong. I haven’t read any of Yuval’s books, but maybe I should. This writing is amazing.