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    • jlcipriani5 years ago

      These stories of fabulous fabulists are so satisfying - somehow marrying the pleasures of fantasy and detection. At a distance the absurdities and falsehoods seem so evident - but persuasive charm doesn't often survive distance. It's much harder to question someone right in front of you whose implausible assertions are swaddled in total confidence and and unlikely charisma.

    • joanne
      Top reader this weekReading streak
      5 years ago

      Crazy...I also could not believe that anyone could get away with that in this day and age. I wonder how much time she is doing and what's going to become of Anna when she is released. Fascinating story.

    • tdsimpson905 years ago

      Insane story! How did she get away with that for SO long?! I thought we were beyond the cashing forged checks in this day and age. Apparently not. Also, I can't believe how many people just trusted her, reminds me of this guy -

      • tdsimpson905 years ago

        Also, I can't imagine having the kind of arrogance it takes to keep that up for so long. I admire and hate her at the same time. There's some part of me that wants to live so unapologetically, like fuck everything, I'm going for it. (But also she is a terrible person and hurt so many people.) But, I can't get the idea out of my head that if she kept it up jusssst long enough, it would have worked. Like maybe if she got the space and started making money, she would have been able to pay all those people back and actually MADE it ya know? Super long shot, like .00001% chance it actually worked or maybe it was impossible, but I dunno. Makes you wonder haha.

      • bill
        Top reader of all time
        5 years ago

        Sweeeet. I'll def read that 73-minute Vanity Fair piece. Just starred it. I love stories like this.

        I need these skillz. Alternative path to funding for ;P

        • tdsimpson905 years ago

          73 minutes?! worth it

          ahahaha YES, you could pull it off :)

    • bill
      Top reader of all time
      5 years ago

      Easy, fun reading. Fascinating, bizarre story. She could have been Frank Abagnale Jr. if she just learned how to assume new identities. Although that might not be possible this day in age. Thirty, forty years ago - no problem.