  1. Slate9/17/0817 min
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    • joanne5 years ago

      warning IJ is torture and I was unable to find anything positive after my three months of hell . We have String Theory in our bookshelf... maybe I’ll try again. It might be helpful to watch the The End of the Tour or my favorite DWF piece is his graduation speech at Kenyon College . Good luck

    • Pegeen
      Top reader this weekReading streakScoutScribe
      5 years ago

      I must admit, that a lot of times I’ll read the comments first to see if the article sounds interesting. Nine times out of ten, Bill’s enthusiasm ropes me in. And I’m so glad he did. I am SO far behind in my literary reading but Foster’s short stories, Girl With Curious Hair, sounds like a great inroad into this fascinating mind. Looks like it’s Barnes and Noble today - coffee and Foster.

      • bill
        Top reader of all time
        5 years ago


        I am so happy to read this comment!!

    • bill
      Top reader of all time
      5 years ago

      Holy fuck this was so good that it ended up zapping half my day yesterday, rereading my favorite parts of Infinite Jest, Consider the Lobster, and so many other interviews and articles about the late, great legend. I'm specifically interested in what Wallace's life and writing had to say about addiction--not just to drugs but also to Entertainment. DFW isn't daunting because he's hard. He's daunting because he forces a reckoning with the kind of questions that are so big they're scary. Why read? Why write? What does any of this shit actually mean? What do we do if and when life looks like a heaping pile of shit because... well... that's what it actually is? What do we do about honesty? And what makes it so impossible?