  1. The New York Times CompanyFARHAD MANJOO8/28/197 min
    14 reads2 comments
    The New York Times Company
    14 reads
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    • tdsimpson904 years ago

      Interesting read! I’ve had many of these thoughts myself when trying to rationalize why people have such dislike of vegans. I hope the sentiment will change as vegan food/veganism becomes more mainstream.

    • Pegeen
      Top reader this weekScoutScribe
      4 years ago

      Live by example and you never have to worry about being “preachy”. If anyone is interested, you can then have an opportunity to share your reasons. I have been through many dietary changes throughout my life, trying to find what best serves me at the time. But now that we are in such a dire situation with our environment, it makes sense to me to pare my current diet down to mostly organic plant foods. Thankfully, I love vegetables and eat to live, not live to eat. Food is a precious gift and I have deep reverence for it. And it would be an honor to do what is in the best interest of our beautiful planet.