  1. The New York Times CompanyDwight Garner10/22/127 min
    8 reads3 comments
    The New York Times Company
    8 reads
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    • turtlebubble4 years ago

      I literally can’t get enough of this combo. When I first heard of it I assumed people just liked to like it because it was so unexpected and probably not that bad but that the allure was more about the shock value. But now I am stuck between wanting to yell it from the rooftops and the fear that people often make the same assumptions of my enthusiasm that I used to of others. Anyway, we sold it at my coffee shop on everything bagels on 4/20 and people have been asking for it ever since. It’s really stinkin good.

      • Pegeen
        Top reader this weekReading streakScoutScribe
        4 years ago

        What fun you could have at your coffee shop. I’d make the Elvis one with the faux bacon and banana, that sounds incredible! I’d bet that would be a “Hunk of burnin love” and your customers would turn into “Hound Dogs”!

      • jeff4 years ago

        It's gotta go on the menu! I want to try one but I want to start with one made by someone who knows what they're doing rather than experiment with them myself. Gotta email the author, too. I bet he'd be psyched, especially since PB & Co closed up shop.