  1. motherboard.vice.comMichael Byrne11/30/172 min
    6 reads4 comments
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    • bartadamley
      Reading streakScout
      3 years ago

      And it is no wonder why a reading-tracking technology can actually be such a wonderful thing for the Internet...

      Readup All The Way!!!

    • bill
      Top reader of all time
      6 years ago

      My jaw - literally - dropped when I read, "They accomplished this by building plugins for the Chrome and Firefox web browsers."


    • jeff6 years ago

      No surprises here! Always happy to see more research validating our assumption that most people are not reading the content they are voting or commenting on. It's interesting to see that the researchers used a browser extension to track user behavior. Surprisingly it appears that unlike the extension they're only counting article visits instead of measuring article content interaction behavior. I'd be willing to bet that only one out of every ten people who click through to an article even begin to read it, let alone complete it.

      I have so many questions about their methodologies and motivation behind this project. I wish the actual study wasn't hidden behind a paywall but it looks like it will be worth it to buy it and possibly reach out to the authors since their research is so aligned with our product.

      • bill
        Top reader of all time
        6 years ago

        I loved this and am so happy that it was the article of the day today! I love this website!

        This "assumption," that "most people are not reading the content they are voting or commenting on," is no longer an assumption as far as I'm concerned. At this point, it should be considered a fact, especially as it relates to the core mechanics of the world's largest social media networks - FB, Twitter & Reddit.

        I'm reaching out to Michael Byrne & Tim Weninger right now :)