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    • jbuchana3 years ago

      (1) Spying on you. (2) Manipulating your feeds to keep you engaged. (3) Deepening your biases and blind spots by pushing away everything else.

      One and two make sense, but what do they gain by three? Separating people’s opinions wouldn’t help them would it? Instead, wouldn’t they want to push people in the same direction, to whatever corporate goal they have in mind? Profits likely? Perhaps it's a way to keep people coming back, sort of positive reinforcement, bigger consequences be damned?

      as Tim Kendall [former president of Pinterest and former director of monetization at Facebook] says in the film, the natural conclusion to all of this is civil war

      That’s where three would lead to, but to whose benefit? I don’t think that would help the tech companies...

      Even if I want to leave Twitter, I feel like I can’t because it’s the town square, right? It’s the area where people gather. It’s where news circulates

      I use Twitter a lot, but never as a primary news source, that just seems a bad idea…

    • Florian3 years ago

      Can’t wait for this to come out!

    • bartadamley
      Reading streakScout
      3 years ago

      "The Social Dilemma" premieres on Netflix September 9th, and I don't know about you guys but I absolutely will be watching it.

      Personally, removing myself from these platforms, it has been a place of mental solace in some ways just to not have negativity constantly reinforced. But that said, even if you don’t use these platforms, you live in a world that does. So even if I’m not on social media, the people that I talk to are still in large part on social media. So those same emotions and the same thoughts and the same filter bubbles are being reflected back through friends and peers anyway.

      I have spent ample time studying into this topic, following the Center For Humane Tech's work and I am thrilled to see it come together with this documentary. As clearly the route that we are taking with the 'attention economy'/ 'surveillance capitalism' with Big Tech companies is leading us down a disarraying path.

      However, I am unsure on what effective solutions we can come up with to sway away from this conglomerate of our attention/economics.. but this is an excellent introduction for those unfamiliar with the inherent flaws of Facebook, Twitter and IG (dominant social media platforms).