  1. The Point Magazine6/16/1521 min
    2 reads2 comments
    The Point Magazine
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    • bill
      Top reader of all time
      5 years ago

      I’ve heard that baby-moons are a thing now too. Its as though we think of our lives —and the various chapters and experiences that make up our lives—as things that can be branded.

    • bill
      Top reader of all time
      5 years ago

      Yes!! For those who can afford it, the honeymoon is still a no-brainer, an excuse for a vacation and an opportunity for an extra scoop of sugar on top of what would otherwise just be an “ordinary” one. But I love the way the author writes (funny, easy) and the zoom-out on marriage more broadly.

      The obsession with creating memories (versus being in the moment) is a universal problem, amplified by social mediaand not at all easy to fix.