  1. nautil.us12/27/1816 min
    4 reads4 comments
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    • deephdave
      Top reader of all timeScout
      3 years ago

      Already we give algorithms authority to decide which movies to see and which books to buy. But the more you trust the algorithm, the more you lose the ability to make decisions yourself.

      Because what really comes between you and the world, makes everything so blurred and hard to understand, are your own weaknesses, your own pre-existing biases and fears. If you don’t know these biases, don’t know your fears and hatreds and cravings, it will be extremely difficult to understand the world.

    • Pegeen
      Top reader this weekReading streakScoutScribe
      5 years ago

      Very interesting article. I agree with Harari’s statement, “If your mind is all over the place and you have a hard time focusing for any length of time, you will never be able to go deep into any question.” Unplugging is certainly a good suggestion. “Meditation helps me to focus, to get to know my weakness and biases.” Deep is so necessary.

    • bill
      Top reader of all time
      5 years ago

      I can’t get enough Yuval.

      • bill
        Top reader of all time
        5 years ago

        Actually, that’s not entirely true- I haven’t read any of his books. But I’ve gotten a sense of his worldview from reading several interviews and articles like this.